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SNM174: Use Quizzes, Surveys and Questionnaires to Explode Your Mailing List

Jonathan Green : Bestselling Author, Tropical Island Entrepreneur, 7-Figure Blogger Season 2 Episode 8

Use quizzes, surveys and questionnaires to explode your mailing list and sell more products in today's episode of Serve No Master Podcast.

Quizzes, surveys and questionnaires are powerful tool that can help you business. You can grow your email list by simply designing quiz and asking your customers to email them the results. 

They work so well because ultimately they are just tiny yes letters. You get someone to say yeas to a small task and each steps gets a little bigger. 

People take time and invest their effort in your surveys, so when you ask to email the results they experience fear of loss, they don't want to loose the invested time and will easily give you their email address to receive the results.

Find out how quizzes and surveys can help you grow your email list in today's episode of Serve No Master.

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speaker 0:   0:00
Use quizzes, surveys and questionnaires to explode your mailing list and sell more products. Find out how on today's episode. Today's episode is brought to you by  Learn Dash, the backbone of my membership area. Launch your next course on the right foot,  at  

speaker 0:   0:14
Are you tired of dealing with your boss? Do you feel underpaid and underappreciated? If you want to make it online, fire your boss and start living your retirement dreams now then you've come to the right place. Welcome to serve no master podcast where you'll learn how to open new revenue streams and make money while you sleep. Presented live from a tropical island in the South Pacific by best selling author Jonathan Green. Now here's your host guys.  

speaker 0:   0:44
Before we get started, I just want to let you know that, Yes, I'm in my garden again. Even though this might date this podcast to a specific day, not a lot of go past my front gate. My neighbors have a rooster that goes off all the time, and I'll do my best to repeat the lines whenever he crows. But there's only so much I can do when he's cock-a-doodle-doing constantly. I thought they only made that noise at sunrise. But that is not true. There are at least three or four roosters within 20 meters of my garden, and since I'm not allowed to leave during this quarantine period, there's nothing I can do. I can't even go over there to complain and tell him to shut up. The roosters are allowed to go past my front gate for at least two weeks and possibly a month.  

speaker 0:   1:18
But today, if you can forgive me for the garden sounds. I've got something very excited to talk about, which is the power of quizzes and surveys. I recently ran a promotion about this very thing because the training I went through, something I'm very excited by. It all started a few years ago though,  the first time I ever took a survey online, I took an I Q test, and what's really fascinating is how powerful these are. So I've taken several IQ tests in my life, I had taken one official one, and I've taking about three online and the online ones you go through this test some are 10 questions some as much as 50, at the end of your free IQ test, they say we're compiling your answer right now, your results will be emailed to you as soon as you're ready. What's your email address now? What's happened is called a yes ladder or escalation ladder. They're taking advantage of something that's a powerful psychological force, which is called the fear of loss. See, we've invested time, energy and effort into filling out this quit. So now it's not a much further step to give. Her image is like our choices are. Give my email address or throw away all my work and the fear of loss. The desire to not say we've wasted time caused me to get my email address, and the first time I did this was in the nineties, early, early online days. I was still in high school. I saw an ad on America Online for free IQ test. And of course, a few years later, I am doing a full professional one and guess what? The score was almost exactly the same was in 1% variation, So I know my IQ. And I went into the test. I got the same result from a five hour test and from a ten minute online test. So it was very interesting. But that moment brought me on a journey that's taught me so much. And if you really wanna learn about this process, the first place I learned about how surveys and quizzes working out why they're so effective and how they'd be so powerful for growing your businesses from the book 'Ask' by Ryan Levesque, I recommend it. I recently did a big promotion with Ryan. I'm going through his new advanced program right now, and all the people who bought the program through my link get to go along with me, get emails every week in progress reports. And so this podcast, that was it was actually kind of my first progress report that I want to share with you to give you my baseline. The reason that quizzes work so well is there a tiny yes letter? Yes, letters. You get someone to say something. Yes, to something small, and each step it gets bigger and bigger and bigger, and you'll hear me talk about this all the time because it's a standard sales technique. It's very well known. It happens all the time. Every single used car salesman uses the exact same strategy. What do you think of this car color? It's really nice, isn't it? Yes. It's got four doors, isn't it? Isn't it great to have four doors? Yes. Open up the trunk. Look how big the trunk is. There's room to put lots of luggage in there. Wouldn't you say? That's a big trunk? Yes. Hey, let's drive the car for a minute. I'm gonna turn on the radio. Look, it's got satellite radio. Isn't satellite radio pretty cool feature? Yes. What they're doing is creating a pattern of you saying Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Each things a little bigger than they go. Names in the radio. Do you want to take this thing for a test drive? Yes. Okay. In order to take it for a test drive, I just made a photocopy of your license. That's a big step. I want you to think about that. Asking someone for their driver's license is a big deal. Other than police officers, we basically never had over our driver's license. Maybe when you're at the airport and you're checking in maybe a hotel. But each of those is something you paid for already. So it's a big ask and then you drive the car around the block and now you're more and more invested. Now you've invested 30 minutes, 20 minutes with the car. So when they say, Hey, let's go inside and just see what it would cost. They don't ask you to buy the car at first. When you go through this process, there first they do is hey, let me talk to my manager and see what kind of discount I could give you. Can you wait for two minutes? Yes. And they look to see how long you wait before you get agitated and then come back because they know how much how tight you are on the line. Okay, If you start getting ready to leave after one minute, then they'll come after you. But if you sit there for 30 minutes wondering what they're doing, all the talking, the manager, they're probably watching TV show on the manager's laptop. Then Then they come back and talk to you and they'll tell you. Okay, this is a kind of discount we can get you and they say, Oh, you know what? Actually, the hard part buying a car. It's moving your insurance from your old car to new car. Let me find out. Let me just call your insurance company. Find out what your new insurance would be. I'll do that for you and I'll find out. Oh, they find out because you know what? It'll be so easy. Let me switch the insurance for you since we've already done it and I've seen this happen. It's not a technique I've done but the trainer who taught me how to sell cars. That was something he did in a very specific story. He switched the insurance of someone's car with their permission, of course, before they even bought it. Now you can still cancel. Go back. But it's a lot of effort. Call. Your turn's coming. No, no, no. Switch me back. I didn't buy that car hassle. It's a little embarrassing, so, of course you into buying it so powerful just wants you up the ladder. It starts, have a momentum of its own and is the same idea with quizzes. You're creating a lot of engagement there, invested a lot of investment, you know I put in so much effort. I don't want to lose that effort. And there's a powerful desire in our brain. And the fear of loss is actually stronger than desire for gain. And this could be exemplified by a simple example. If I was to give you $10 then say, Oh, you know what, I made a mistake. Can you give me five back? You'd be annoyed, but if I come up and  give you $5  that's awesome! Thanks. And it's a different thing. And this is an experiment. I believe it's from predictably irrational by Daniel Rally re-conducted that specific experiment, and it's absolutely true. People are consistent, even though we end up with the same result. We have a different feeling because of how we got there.  

speaker 0:   6:23
Now there are several different ways you can use surveys now we can see how powerful they are, and you call them surveys or quizzes or poles where you ask people questions. And the first thing where you most often see them is in a quiz form or opt in form, especially if it's someone who's been through Ryan's program and you go to their home page they'll say something specifically, What type of business is right for you, or what type of product should you create or what type of exercise should you do. An example of this is, Let's say you visit a website. That's running a quiz and it's says OK, how would you rate your current level of condition? Olympic level college athletes work out three times a week, Have a workout in a month. Then the next question might ask, maybe three quiz questions. Right? Then say, OK, what's the goal? What do you want to do? Are you trying to add muscle lose weight? Increase endurance? Three questions. Next question in the survey. Are you a man or woman? Very reasonable men and women excesses are different. I know sometimes my trainers tell me there's no exercise that's  different for men or women. And yet my trainer gives me and my wife totally different routines with wholly different exercises. So there are some exercises that mostly women use in mostly men use. My wife doesn't want huge muscles like I do. We have different goals, right? So, asking those questions, the reason they do that is then when they say okay, we've got the perfect free guide for you. Just enter email address. We'll send it to you. The guide is now specific. Instead of sending a generic, PDF that's a generic fitness. It's a weight loss guide for people who have it worked out in a month. Wanna lose weight and our men, powerful messaging. That's part of it. So you get a more specific free gift, and I could do a survey funnel right now where I say, Hey, what are you most interested in learning how to do? Podcast, blogging, this that affiliate marketing cause you don't have lots of different free gifts that I've developed in the past few months. Put a lot of time into each one of them. And I said, Need the gift that most matches what you're looking for and you might notice that I do that in emails at the end of an email sequence. If I send you a couple e mails about podcast, they'll you know what I noticed? You aren't interested in podcast. You not clicking a lot? Are you more interested in blogging, personal development, networking or making just $1000 this month right out the gate? What that allows me to do is pivot into sending you the right stuff, so it's the same type of questions. You see them and you encounter them as you spend more time on my website and interacting with me. The next part of this process, right passing the custom gift, the more advanced versions where you pulled the audience. I'm actually working on a process, and neither do one of these right before. Right after this audio comes out, pulling the audience is where you do it. What's called a deep dive serving. You want to find out where your audiences and what you really want to find out is what the fanatics want the most. It's not about the most common answer. This is something that Ryan was teaching on a live train. He was doing  it with me last week and I was taking notes just like I told everyone was on the live call. And he said this was so powerful because it was re teaching me even though I've been through the process and it was training before. It's always good to revitalize, he said. We look for at first when we don't know we're doing is is frequency, which answer. Do we hear the most? But that's what we want. We want the answer that has the most intensity. So if you do a survey for your audience and the most common answer is lose weight and then 10 people each right really long responses about playing with our children, that's the more powerful answer. My motivation for exercise is not looking attractive anymore past that phase of my life. it's not about looking attractive, I exercise every day because I want to be strong enough to play with my kids. I wanna spend more time with him. Wanna be healthy? I wanna live longer. When I was 18 in the gym, Yeah, I just wanted to look good enough for someone to like me. So our motivations change and the deep dive serving. Help us find this answer. So if you're wondering what product to make, if you're wondering what to teach, if you're wanting what to build, if you're wondering how to save your business survey could be so powerful, ineffective. Now I'm honest. The reason this is on my mind is because I haven't run a deep sigh of serving almost three years. I haven't done one in so long and it's very possible infected almost guarantee that the answers are going to be totally different this time because it's been a few years. What we need, what we responded to absolutely changed my audiences much, much bigger. And you're all different and you're different place. It was the same people. You're different place now than you were three years ago. Part of the reason that I've been hasn't a deep dive surveys that I've been pivoting and pivoting and pivoting serve no master of the last year's figuring out my direction. In fact, I've made big announcements and hired staff to build different version of this business. About two years ago, I started doing really well with ghost writing, and I had a revelation, a strategy to build a business all around. That's where I would start doing 50 books a month with a team of writers and editors all around me and bringing a staff a whole strategy for closing sales. And there's a huge market for that that people are doing that business. And I was like, I'm gonna stop all this, serve no master jazz and just lean into these high ticket books so much money in them. And if I can get to the point where I'm not the one writing them, then it's ultimately scaled a business. If I could get $20,000 a book and I do 10 books a month, that's $200,000 a month. That's a lot of money. Don't make the mistake of thinking that's not a lot of money to because it absolutely is. That's a massive amount of money to me. And if I go all the way to 50 books a month, $1,000,000 a month, that's a lot of my 12 million dollars a year business, that's a massive business. It was heady, and I started moving that direction, started trying to hire staff and put things in place. But it wasn't the right business model for me. And then I built a lot of progress over the last few years. I want to be super open with you guys so you can see the journey, not just the destination, not just where I arrive, but how I got there. Along the way, I built a lot of products that built about 50 courses and maybe a dozen blueprints. I have about 30 more blueprints outlined actually just want to crank out more of them. I love right creating blueprints. It's just hard because of the aspect of making my blueprints is it's very visual. I can't dictate a whole blueprint like a cannon, one of my bigger courses. I've just sit on the computer and add stuff, text on the page and added, And that's very hard for me because of my eyes. But I built all of these courses, and I did have a master plan, which was I would take people through all the different types of programs and he would find, which is the right fit for them. Some people in a crafty course some people do blogging. Some people just want to go string. Some people wanna learn how to grow Podcast. That's okay. And through a series of service, I would end up bouncing around until we get the right program for you, and that's pretty good. And that built a pretty good business. And then at the end of last year had a revelation. Like I need something big. I need a flagship product. I began to build something, actually wrote a new book about this called Project Hydra, which hopefully will be releasing this year. But everything is massively delayed right now.  The book part of my company, everything to do with books is way behind because we've really focused another part of the business, another part of the content creation. But that's all about my unified theory of business. So I have a flagship course and have a flagship for a long time, has had a lot of courses, and so we've changed a lot of our approach to have a cleaner messaging because waiting four months to see the product you want, that's too much. I don't let that happen to people, so we are trying to do better and better with that process.  

speaker 0:   13:00
So because it took me so long to get to this moment where I figured out my vision and where I was going, I didn't do a massive deep. I'm sure because I would get the wrong data and asked the wrong questions. And now I've figured it out. Now I have done surveys along the way, especially to have ideas about a product ago. Oh guys, which of these products interest you are what you trying to do next to your business or what's the next product you're looking for and creating products based on that That has happened. But a deep sigh of service where I dig really deep and the goal is to figure out who you are, where you're coming from, what you need, what language used to describe it, what your biggest problem are because all that language will help me to communicate with you better and to give you what you need better. And this leads to this third thing, the third element of surveying, which is sorting it, segmenting your audience. We can use those same survey questions and send people to different sales pages. Now this is an important part. It doesn't mean creating 10 different versions of your product. You could sell the exact same product to different people using different language. An example is, if you have a product that you can sell in America Australia, you might use Australian English versus American English and British English will also be different. And so you ask that question. Nowhere in the world are you and they answer the question and you show them a sales page that has the correct dialect great example of this is a website called The Truth About Abs by my curious when it was popular and successful fitness products over the last decade. If you go to the Lincoln, I'll put a link below this video so you could see what I'm talking about. You know the truth about ABS? It says right away. Are you man or woman? Now that person goes a little bit different because with the question that big, they'll show you two totally different videos. Two totally different funnels, but they're still sending you the same product is still the same truth about ABS e book He's been selling for 10 years, but men and women absolutely responded differently. Would you have different fitness goals? Me and my wife have very different fitness goals in really have the same trainer train together, use similar programs. That's why we do different exercises. I work out every day. She works out three days a week, but we use the same program. But this different messaging can work on people so you can segment your audience and then send them to the custom page for the exact same product. There's a very good chance that you'll see Maura, Maura that in my messaging because now I know where I'm going, and I'm gonna start testing more of these funnels just to see.  

speaker 0:   15:09
First of all, I get higher conversion rates. And then, second of all, do I get higher sales, right? So first you want to see, and often often, often the case surveys generate much higher levels of options. You get more email addresses, and then when you send people through a segmentation funnel, you see yourself pages were customized to them. So this is the more best federation. This is something that there's a lot of reasons to the beginning, their process. But for me, it's something I'm adding into it, and I'm going to improve and refine my business and grow my business. This year, the fourth type of surveyor segmentation is something you have seen I mentioned a moment ago Is when you get an email that says, Oh, you're not interested in what I just offered you? What would you like me to tell you about next? These were all automated. I always, always trying to write, which we can improve my email sequences toe. Better meet your needs It's not just about selling more stuff. Let's say join a fitness website because you wanna lose your valley and the person you visit has 10 fitness programs. Bigger arms bigger back. Make your neck looks skinnier. Tighten up your bum, strengthen your legs and your on their e mail. Listen on, Li, after you receive 48 emails, do you get the first Lose your valley email? Well, by then you've lost interest, right? If you've gotten 48 e mails about something you're not interested in, what are the odds? Open email 49 is something you are interested in. This is why I have a lot of pivots and a lot of really complicated logic and a I type logic. And if then within my email sequences, because I want to send you the sequence you want the most as early as possible in our relationship. So if you joined me, all you care about is podcasting. I want to send you my podcasting block posts my information about podcasting, my podcasting free. Give my podcasting blueprint podcasting course as quickly as possible. Because not only will I make more money, you lost of a better customer. experience. It's a win win. The beauty of this process is that it gets people to what they actually want faster. It's not about manipulation about psychological triggers and tricks and better cooperating to sell people stuff they don't want. No, it's a way to better sell people stuff that they actually want. Now, when you do a deep dive survey, when you go really deep with an audience and you get a massive service where the best ways to write a sales letter is just a lot of grunt work, they've done it before a process. I know how to do it. But boy takes a lot of hours, and what you do is you create buckets. You figure out each of the different problems people have that could lead them to your product. And then you figure out how strong each of those things are and you make sure you embed each of those different issues into your sales process. So the people here it resonates with them wherever they are in the process and use their exact language. You copy paste things they've said people will give you the language you need to use your sales letters That's a great way. If you are struggling with copyrighting, you could do a deep dive serving. You can run a survey and you just ask people questions like, What's the biggest problem you have? What's the number thing holding you back from your goal? What's the biggest desire you have in this area of your life? And you'll just get these answers and they give you so much data, and then you just use people's language when you quit yourselves later. It's a great way to become good at copyrighting without using tactics and strategy and fancy creative thought. You don't have to do any of that because you wanted to tell you what they need, so you can create something really, really powerful. Now, if you've ever been through a quiz final, you've ever gone through an experience this process from the customer end. If you've ever experienced this as a customer, when you filled out a survey like I did with that very few first IQ test I took in the nineties put a thumbs up below this video on YouTube, and I'd love to know what was about, or even better if you've seen where this quiz service.  

speaker 0:   18:23
You went to an answer much questions, and you didn't give your email address. Let me know. I'd love to know what those ones did wrong, because your feedback means a lot to me. The more you leave comments below my YouTube videos before him or you leave comments on my blog's feed that I know that people are listening, I really need to know, because this is a lot of effort for me as a lot of process to go from idea to recording these episodes to getting them out the door. There's so much process a little bit overwhelming, but I want to get these out to you so important to me. So I need that feedback. It helps me a lot, and I just want to know if I'm on the right path because we're cause they have a discussion behind the scenes. Now that we've dropped from five episodes a week to one episode a week, which is physically manageable for me, the question cause he becomes what's the best thing we should do? Should we do topics based on cue and research? Find out what people are interested in. Should we do topics that I'm passionate about, that I just want to talk because that's what I'm interested in. How should we choose? So the feedback you give so the form of serving used to find out what you need, what you're responding to, and that's really, really important to us. So please realize that when you leave comments really feedback all that stuff for things that we notice. If you are thinking about using a quiz in your business, I'd love to hear about it if you have a quiz that you've created. If you have a quiz funnel, you're doing a deep dive survey any of those things, please share them with me. In the comments below Oh my goodness, I would love to see those all check those out. And, of course, I want to see how you are using quizzes to grow and accelerate your business toe, build your email list and to make more sales.  

speaker 0:   19:47
Thank you for listening to this week's episode of Serve No Master. Make sure you subscribe, so you never miss another episode. We'll be back next Tuesday with more tips and tactics on how to escape that rat race. Head over to now for your chance to win a free coffee of Jonathan's bestseller Serve No Master. All you have to do is leave a five star review of this podcast. See you Tuesday. Thank you for listening to this episode of the serve no master podcast. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss a single episode.