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SNM166: Billionaires Are Trying Webinars To Grow Their Businesses

Jonathan Green : Bestselling Author, Tropical Island Entrepreneur, 7-Figure Blogger Season 2 Episode 1

Billionaires are turning to webinars to make money. Find out how you can too in today's episode of Serve No Master Podcast.

Webinars are a critical part of my business, so I want to walk you through the process today because webinars are very powerful. They are about connection. You have the ability to connect directly to your customer through webinars and make a sale live.

Webinars can add the feeling of realness that ultimately attracts and drives in more people.
People have the opportunity to ask you questions and connect with you. You can make a lot more sales through Webinars because people are more likely to buy your products when they feel like they know you.

So, if you want to double your profit get started with Webinars today. Listen to today's episode to find out all the details you need before getting started.


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millionaires are turning the webinars to grow their businesses. Find out why on today's episode, today's episode is brought to you by Blue is choosing the right. Hosting for your online business is critical. Bloo host has reliable servers and beginner friendly on board waiting for you at serving mass dot com front slash blue. Are you tired of dealing with your boss? Do you feel underpaid and underappreciated? If you want to make it online, fire your boss and start living your retirement dreams now then you've come to the right place. Welcome to serve no master podcast where you learn how to open new revenue streams and make money while you sleep. Presented live from a tropical island in the South Pacific by best selling author Jonathan Green. Now here's your host. I wanna welcome you guys to the first episode of Season two of the serve No master podcast. It's been a long time. Does that recorded episode and you guys deserve note to know why? If you've been following on other channels, you know that I went through a major medical situation and I'm dealing with it ever since of major problems. My eyes Sometimes I can't use a computer for days or even weeks at a time. It affects my ability to work, and it forced me to change everything I do now. I dictate all my books, all my courses on my products, and that means my voice and my throat started burning out, getting exhausted. And unfortunately, podcast is what got slow down. An original first season of this podcast, the 1st 150 or so episodes. I was releasing five episodes a week every single week, and I just got burned out. As much as I love creating that much content for you guys, it was hard to do, especially because where I live there is no quiet. I have three Children with the 4th 1 on the way. We got three dogs, a cat. Our neighbors have loads of chickens. There's always construction that's always dogs barking. And so you're going to hear some noise in the background. And I've always wanted youto have that perfect Christine sound, and I've finally been thinking about it for the last week. And you know what? It's not making excuses. If there's a little noise in the background, at least it's honest leaves you guys can tell that I'm really here. I don't have a sound studio. I don't have a fake set that looks like palm trees. I'm walking around my garden right now. One of my dogs just right here. Absolutely exhausted, cause you just took him swimming in the ocean for the last hours to hope that would keep him quiet. But I want you guys to know I'm coming from. I had this big plan that I would convert the podcast to a video podcast. You guys were watching this on YouTube In your dusting slides. Please understand that it was a bit too much of a logistical challenge to switch to video podcast just yet. But if you are watching on YouTube, please take a chance to subscribe and give me a thumbs up to encourage me to keep going with Season two have already outlined 52 episodes. I'm gonna put an episode every single week for the next year. I'm absolutely dedicated to that. As long as you can forgive me for a little bit of the background was a little bit of the wind. I do a lot of processing. My neighbors were playing music very loud right now if you hear background music that's coming from 100 50 yards away, so imagine what's happening. But this is what tropical islands really sound like. We always imagine our heads chopped grounds absolutely silent, but they're not. So if you can bear with me and if you are listening to this in the audio version, you could always go to serve Master Calm front slash podcast to find the latest episodes because that little player always on Matthew updates and please subscribe on whatever your favorite devices so that you get the new episodes. Because now there are new updates coming. We've changed where we host the podcast. We change our technology. We're doing better tools to make sure that the files air smallest possible Seagate Fast, clean audio. And I've hired a new amazing technician to remove all the background noise so you may hear the occasional chicken and a dog barking. But for every chicken you hear, there's 10 that we were able to remove from the audio. And so I want to dig in today. Today's episode we're gonna talk about Webinars because they've become a critical part of my business again, I'm a huge fan of webinar technology. I really want to take you through it because it can make a big difference. And so we're gonna go through why they're so powerful and all the technology as we go through today's episode. The most important thing to understand about Webinars is that they're about connection, the difference. You know, Webinar and every other way we sell online is that it's a live interaction. Right now you're hearing my voice. You can hear my neighbors, you could hear the wind. You can hear all these animals. You feel a higher level, actually, cause this Israel that extra real nous attract some people, pushes some people away because they don't know. I want perfect audio backward. I don't hear him in the back, and I totally understand that I finally have just said, You know what? There's nothing I can do. I'd rather put out something that's 80 20 then wait for that perfect moment of silence because I don't get it anymore. I used to get up at 4 a.m. To record my episodes. Yes. What? My neighbors start church at three and behind our house they built an illegal church two feet for my back wall, and they blast the music in the middle of night. It's louder at night, and so I'm adapting now. The beauty of a webinar is that you can ask questions. When you come in one of my live webinars, you ask questions. I'll respond to either Live on the caller through the chat box. Just depends if I'm presenting or someone else's presenting and how many things were going on at once. I like to do my webinars from home. Even though the Internet here is the best describe, it is sketchy. Every morning at 8 a.m. The owner gets turned off and it comes back on at midnight when I say turned off. I mean, I can't check an email right now on my computer. Now does still work on my cell phone. Go figure, but have no at home Internet. We have two different providers, both options on the island, and they both turn off every single morning. So I do what I have to d'oh! I work all night when I'm doing video recordings. I have a whole bunch of new videos and new video interviews coming out really soon that I'm gonna share with you, But I do by Webber's at night have three monitors up. That's why I tend to do my webinars a 2 p.m. Eastern. That's when it's the fastest at my house. So that's why I do it. I could never do it at seven o'clock at night Eastern like I used to. Why? Because there's no Internet. I don't have the option. So Webinar increases reports a chance to communicate with your audience, and you feel like you're actually there. And the reason we have to use Webinars, especially in the sales process, is as the price of an item goes up, the amount of connection we need before we feel comfortable spending that much money goes up now. I have a higher threshold in some people because I've been doing this for 10 years, So if there's a course from a brand, I know and I want it sometimes old grab it. I don't even need to read the sales page or whatever, because I already have an understanding of what I needed. Why want to add it to my business? Recently, I was looking out for some brand new cutting edge S E O courses because I hired a new SDO person. I knew I needed some tools and some resource is for her, so I was very strategic. But if you're just coming out and you're going, I wanna get it s you don't anything about its search engine optimization? I don't know how to rank Web sites in search engines and whether it's Google or being a Yahoo. Then you're starting from zero and someone says all my courses $2000 it's just a website in a button. It's hard to have that much trust if you've never heard of that person, you really know. And even those lots of proof in Screenshots you don't have enough experience to tell the real from the fake. And when you're on a webinar, the beauty of it is that it's a live presentation and someone can ask questions and you're hearing a voice. And because you're hearing a person there and you could take your questions on the chat box and they say your name and answer question, you feel more trust you. Okay, at least it's a real person. It's not just a dead website, cause I've made a purchase from a dead website before I bought a product many years ago, maybe 15 years ago, for a website that I really wanted. I don't know if it was 20 or $30. This is PdF. I've been after an unfortunate person update that I've spent a long time the payment. We threw the papal, and then nothing happens. So I know that fear because it's actually happened to me. So Webinar in the simplest format is a live presentation where one person could speak to a large audience. It's the same thing as though you're speaking on stage to a crowd, except it's done through technology now used to be tele seminars, which means he would call into a phone number. They were dialing a special code, and then everyone can listen. But only the person who is running the technology can talk. Now. I've done tele seminars. They're interesting. There's still existence, certain industry. They're still really popular real estate in a few other places, especially where the market has aged. So if the average customers like 25 there usedto webinars, they're used to that live technology. But if your customers are 50 or 60 and they grew up and log. They don't use a computer a lot, then they might be totally phone based. And there's nothing wrong with that. I want you to know right now the only division to tell a seminar and the webinars that on the weapon or you can show slides. That's the entire difference. It's exact same content, and in fact you can dial in to a webinar via phone. And now you're experiencing Tell a seminar times we will do that all the time with technology. Now there are three different types of webinars I want to take you through. The first is live alive. Webinar is where everything is happening in the moment you hear mistakes. If you've been not some I live webinars. I've been on the loads of light bombers. Increase. Things have happened where my wife has walked into the room, or where the kid starts crying and wakes up. Those things happen, so it's absolutely live. You tell it's live. If someone says the date or they start talking about the weather, then you know that it's a live weapon on. That's how they started live presentations and then they technology came out about five or six years ago that allowed the automated Webinar another waiter. Webinar is where it's a recording, but it seems like it's life. And so the user use a different piece of technology, usually a live webinars on a platform like Zoom or go to Evan R. And if you're doing an automated webinar, it's gonna be a platform like Webinar Ninja ever webinar or Stealth seminar, which is the platform that I use right now on automated Webinar allows me to give a live presentation or a seemingly live presentation as frequently as I want. If you've seen anyone talking about how they run advertising on YouTube or Facebook or even seen brothers, as they said, we have a presentation and the presentation, starting within 15 minutes, that's an automated weapon are now automated. Weapon are still perform as well as live webinars, but they massively outperform sales pages because that it seems like an event. There's a bit of a feel, and you can do a lot of things to increase the quality of the experience. The presentation doesn't change. My friend has given the same 3.5 our webinar every Thursday for the entire eight years that I've known him every single Thursday, 3.5 hours, the presentation changes less than 1%. Some of the questions people ask her slightly difference. And imagine doing that week after week after week. If you record with those presentations, you run it as an automated weapon. It saves you a massive amount of time because it does get exhausting to say the same things over and over and over again. And you could still be there. Answer questions in the chat box so you can still answer questions live. You're just not doing the actual presentation. And that's a simulated. What are now the other type? Weber is a hybrid, or some people seem to call it simulated live. This is where you use Goto whenever you play a video and the answer questions on the chat box. This is something that I d'oh sometimes because I'm nervous, especially about my technology. So imagine, and this has happened to me. I'm giving an important webinar. There's hundreds people on the call, the presentation I've done 20 times before. If I hit play on a video of me doing the exact same presentations my inner. It cuts out you guys don't lose what you're receiving. So the webinar continues, and this is why I'll have another team member log in and hit play on the video. Also be in the chat box. I'll be answered. Questions all be there live. I just won't be speaking because manner it cuts out all the time, and it absolutely does. This isn't the only reason people do it, but it's one of the reasons to run a hybrid webinar hybrid webinar You might run once a week. This is what happens if you're on a webinar and there's less than 20 attendees. People tend to do this. It's kind of in the webinar swapper Javy Webinar world, someone says, Oh, how do we can put on my webinar? Because they'll decide if they're gonna do automated hybrid or live. If you have less than 10 people, it's gonna be automated. If it's maybe 20 or 30 people, it's probably gonna be a hybrid where they're playing a video. But it feels like when they're in the chat room, and if it's like 100 people arm or everyone will do it live at that point is this just a video sales letter. This is a great question. So a video sales letter is, ah, really tightly structured copyrighting structure that requires you to be really tight, really good, and it's a pre recorded video. Those tend to be anywhere from 12 to 45 minutes long, and they take you through a very specific journey. But they're very, very high on the cock writing skill sale. And if it's a video sales letter, there's no sense of an event. Even if it's an automated weapon Are we create the sense of the event? And so people stay. That's why what I'm hosting a webinar. People can't make the time they go a Jonathan. Will there be a replay? I want to see it. That sense of it's something that's happening. It's a door that's closing is the difference. Where's the via cell? You could watch any time you want, which means people don't watch it later. I'll watch it later than ever. Watch it. There's something wrong with the cell. They use them all the time. If you ever watch one of my little promotions where I go Hey guys, it's Valentine's Day. Hey, guys, it's Halloween, and I'm wearing my Halloween costume. Hey, guys, a Patrick state. I'm wearing my green Batman shirt. There's only was the green shirt on a green shirt I could find that day those air via cells because their videos and I don't there's no sense of an event. Sure, there's a timer, but it doesn't feel like I need to watch this right now. You know, I could watch this any time until the timer ends. It's there's no lightness to it. And there's no sense of lightness. So that's really the big difference. Well, I use video sales letters a lot. When I do them, it tends to be me standing in front of a camera. They are slideshow presentations, but there's just no sense of the event. That's really the big difference Now. You might be feeling a little bit of technology overloaded this point, and that's totally reasonable, because how do you choose which platform to use? How do you choose which tools to use? How do you know what's the right tools to use? I want to walk you through that right now. If you're just getting started out and you want to do a few test webinars. You wantto try doing a live presentation Hands down. The best tool for beginners is called Zoom. Zoom is $15 a month. It's absolutely affordable, and it's a great place to begin now. You can only do of a certain size when you started. Presume it's a meeting platform. It's $15 a month, so it's not as advanced and complicated, and basically, you give a presentation. People can see each other. Usually when I do is zoom presentation. I have the Webcam on. It's how I do all the recordings I do for my summits or my video interviews. So anytime you see a video of me talking to someone else on YouTube Rana sales letter anywhere we're in a summit or to interview, it's on Zoom. It's kind of become the industry standard over the last year and 1/2 and it's so good at recording. I was recording interview last night. My Internet glitch tw, which is the nightmare. The beauty of Zoom is that it records in the middle. So if I'm doing an interview with someone, it's recording from that person to the Internet in my size, recording from me to the Internet so the guest doesn't get damaged even if I drop off. I love recording in the middle. I could choose to record on my computer, but I don't trust my Internet enough, so I don't. I also use Zoom. What do coaching calls and group coaching calls? You're a member of any of my advanced programs or my monthly programs. If remember, freedom fighters who come to the monthly coaching call and ask me anything Q and A sessions. I run those to resume at the next level above that, as far as technology goes, there's a couple of options for my webinars. I used the gold standard, which is Go to Webinar. It's expensive. My go to webinar is $250 a month. That's why I don't recommend you start there. I want you to start something that's affordable and manageable so you can play with it now with my license for go to Webinar. Aiken do like lives. I'm allowed to play a video with it at my level, and I can host up to 500 people, so that's why I have an account of that size. It's not necessary for you. I want to give you guys really numbers, not dance around and say that you probably don't need to go that level. You could start out at the $109 level as you have up to 100 peoples, long as you're doing live. It could be that tool, but I would recommend if you're just starting out in your audience is 20 people are less. Zuma's absolutely fine. They can see each other's questions and they can chat to each other in the chat box. And if they turn the Webcams on, they can see each other. Unless you deactivate the Webcams, that's the only deficiency of a zoom meeting. So if you have someone there who's asking mean questions are showing there. But you just have to kick him out of the room. Otherwise, there's really no problem with a zoom. I've never had that happen, but I know that's a fear some people have is that the audience can see how many people are actually there, whereas if it's on a go to enter, you have no idea how many people are there. I've done goto our presentations to 700 people, and I've done it to seven people, and no one can tell. That's one of the different systems, but it's really not a big deal. It can be a little bit overwhelming the first time you do a webinar. I've been through a whole bunch of the tech problems where the webinar hangs up where the software glitches. Most of those issues were happening 10 years ago when the technology was kind of fresh. I haven't had a tech problem in a weapon on a really long time, but I know we have those fears and I want you to know it's not something I need to be worried about as much anymore. There's a lot of really great options. And if you look at the show notes or the description, if you're watching the YouTube version, this video and you have links to the tools that we like the most right now I'm always updating my tools of action, the middle of updating my entire toolbox page of my website to recommend the tools that I use. Currently, I don't want to recommend a tool that I stopped using a few months ago, so I'm always trying to keep you guys updated. So just in case I switch away and I stop using Zoomer. Stop using goat Webinar have a different favorite tool. I'll put the links below this video and for automated webinars. I use stealth seminar so that the three tools that I'm using right now and they all work really well for me, Stell seminar did a massive update recently. The new version is really amazing and I've never had a problem. Technology. I've never gotten email about the technology glitch ing what someone is watching pre recorded webinar automated weapon Or so I've been very happy with style seminar and it's been a good experience. I'm gonna be doing a lot more with their tool over the year. Now. The beauty of Webinars is that you can sell it before you make it. This is the best place. That's how we recommend you using webinars when you're starting out. If you have an audience, a mailing list of 100 people, you have more than enough. Just start running a webinar. Here's how it works. Most of the time, when I have an idea for a product, I have two choices. I can start selling it right away, or I can make the whole product put in months of effort. And then Stephen, he wants to buy it. Which one do you think is more interesting? Of course, selling it before you make it. The reason we do that is because sometimes we have bad ideas, and by we I mean you and also meet. I've had bad ideas. I've had ideas that I thought were so good and nobody wanted them. I don't want to build a course that makes no money, right? We don't want to put an effort only to hear crickets so you can run a live presentation, You say, Hey, guys, I want to talk about something really cool now, and they come on your life, call immediately of 10 or 20 people. That's more than enough for the data you need to say, Guys, I'm thinking of doing this. Let me tell you, it's gonna work. An example of this is I created a program. I was like it was called Riding Village and I said, We're gonna write a book together over the next six weeks. We're gonna meet every single week, would have these specific writing goals. Everything's gonna happen. We have massive life sessions. You could ask all your questions. I'll walk you every part of writing a book. We'll do it together as a group. Nobody bought it hard, fail. What that means is I didn't have to run the course. It let me know that just because I thought something was a good idea didn't mean my audience wanted it. And that's okay. It cost me one hour of time to find out that I'd had a bad idea. Most of my courses I run Live Mass, your destiny. Super affiliate Freedom Fighter free. Freelancing to freedom. Most of those Iran live for the very first time. Now, when you buy them a lot of my courses, you by and you can get access. They were originally done live, and so there 10 or 12 1 hour sessions that so you could tell if it was a live course. If it's 10 or 12 what our sessions. Orphans like 25 or 30 10 or 15 minute videos. One was live and what it wasn't. I do live most of the time now when I create courses because I get really good feedback during the course. But also I find out if anyone wants it. And if I don't sell 10 units when I'm doing a test, I know no one's really interested in this, but when I'm running with a group, I then do the training via webinar, so I might sell it, be a goat to Webinar, and then I'll do the live training via Zoom. Zoom is more intimate. I don't tend to turn on a webcam unless I'm with paying customers. So you get higher levels of access to me based on where you are in my sale cycle. And that's exactly why we build a profit pyramid, which I talk about in a previous episode, put a link to that in the notes below, but at the bottom level of the pyramid where Evan has access is your free products. At the highest level is the most expensive stuff, which is the highest little access to you. The bottom you have, like free PDS and giveaways and books. At the top, you have group coaching than one on one, coaching in person, one on one. Coaching is the very top of someone sees her face in person, selling something before you make. It gives you the freedom you need. Even if you just make a couple 100 or $1000 before you sell, you go. Okay, Now I know how much money I'm making for every hour I invest. Let's just do simple numbers and say that you run your program, you do your sales. Wepner make $1000. Awesome. That's great. That's an absolute win. Then you could sit down and say this is gonna take me 20 hours of preparation and 20 hours to deliver the content. So it's 40 hours of your time, h 2 1000 divided by 40 and say is $25 an hour a good value for me keeping minds that you can then resell it again and again and again and again. This is just the first time after that, your pure profits. So this is why the structure could be really valuable. Now, let me talk you through a little bit about the structure of a webinar. They were really, really simple. You're gonna start off with a warming up, breaking the icing. Hey, guys. Thank you so much for calling in. I'm so excited to have you guys here appreciate you being with me. Just let me know if you can hear me. And if you can hear me right in the chat box, where in the world you are. And guys, if you're watching this video on YouTube in the comments below, why don't you tell me where you're watching this video from love? Seeing that I love that I have people from all around the world. Sometimes I'm able to get all 24 time zones represented on a live call and that can't be excited. So instead of just saying, can you hear me getting yes or no? I'd like to. You will say, Oh, I'm here in the world. And since goat weapon, I will show me the name of each person. I say, Oh, look, we got Chris from Toronto. That's amazing. We've got Terry on leave for Australia. Wow, opposite sides world. That's great. We got Ivan from Iceland's. Now we don't usually have a liberation, but what I'm doing fake names. I tend to do that. Tony, from Texas, Allen from Alameda. Once we've warmed up the audience, then we wantto start going into why they should stick around. And that means we're gonna give him some benefits. Hey, if you stick around here, some of the cool things you're gonna be able to d'oh went into this presentation. You'll know how to do X. You know how to set up and start your blawg and get your first block post live within the next hour. Great. Yeah, I should stick that acts. I want you to do that. It's really, really great. Then we dig into understanding the problem, and this is where we start to warm up. Say, here's the problem. It's not your fault. Here's the problem. Here's how it's holding you back. So sometimes called problem agitate release say, Oh, you're overweight, you're overweight. You can't keep up with their kids. That stinks. It makes you feel lonely. So your fault, because the food pyramid has changed 20 times in my life time. It's not even a pyramid anymore. There are foods that are recommended by the United States Federal government have changed so significantly that it would change the shape of it from a pyramid to a circle, and all the recommendations are different and now included in the recommendations is a small amount of sugar every day. Sugar is a poison. It tastes good, but sugar is 100% absolutely toxic. You're struggling with your weight. It's affecting your relationships. It's not your fault because you watch television and movies, and they give you false education to show you beautiful people mixed in with commercials for unhealthy food. It's confusing. Mixed message. It's not your fault. The reason we do this is so that people don't feel bad. We don't want to make people feel bad. They don't feel guilty. Report people guilt say, Hey, you're overweight. It's your fault. No one wants to hear that. It doesn't work. So we have to give people a release, say, Hey, it's happened. It's not your fault. And there's something believe me that I know a lot about because I'm constantly dealing with my way. I have to excise every single day after your super strict with my diet. So that's why comes up a lot of my examples. If you see any my live videos, you'll know even I've lost a lot of weight recently. I don't get to stop. I'll have to exercise every day for the rest of my life if I want to control my way and have a long life. So the deck is not dealt in my favor. It's not my fault. It is my fault. I'll take those away for my own problems. Okay, then we go into the teaching part, the teachings where you want to teach something really useful, but not your entire program. So you say, Hey, let me teach you steps one and two on my 10 step program. And then you go, Oh, I don't have time to teach you the rest. You have to buy the training to get that. So we teach something that's valuable and useful. So the beginning is about eight minutes. The teaching is about 20 minutes and 28 minutes in your transition. Go. Guys. I hope it's okay. I've taught you something for the 1st 2 steps in the process. I would love to teach you everything else, but I have so much time. Is it okay? You spent 10 minutes with me and I show you my next product. We do this so that doesn't feel like a bait and switch. Doesn't feel like a trick. There are people who only want the free stuff. Don't want to hear the product and they will hang up right then. That's fine. Let him know if you're not interested in what I have to sell. If you never want to buy a course from you don't care about the next level. You just want the free stuff and you're out of here. You're a freebie seeker. Now is the time. When you hang up, they hang up anywhere from 10 to 50% of people to call might disappear. That's okay. No matter what you did. Even if you were tricky, they were never gonna buy, even at the beginning. Your weapon. Or you could decide to go with the very beginning. Hey, guys, I'm gonna teach you guys a bunch of stuff in at the end. I'm gonna teach about my new program. Just so you know, you give a heads up if you want. That's fine to 13 transitions say we're gonna pitch. Then we go into our product and there's a whole sales process. The basic ideas. You give people the benefits. Here's all the great things to do. Here is all the missing things you'll get. Here's all the benefits. How this will transform your life and it looks like a $3000 in 1500 not to 50. I'm only gonna charge you $27 in fact, make this an even better deal. I'm gonna give you these. Three bonus is 1 to 3. If you want to see that in action, watch any infomercial. That's the structure of a sales webinar and hope you find that useful. Obvious. That's a really quick, abbreviated version of that. But it gives you enough to write your first webinar. Absolutely. And now here's a really great question. I get this all the time. Jonathan. What about Facebook? Live. What about live streaming? Live streaming is different. Life's trimmings are turning on your webcam. People watching you do something and those tend to be free. You can sell stuff on live streams. The technology is moving in that direction, but not all the way there. Yet reason I don't really love live streams were this part of the process is that then you don't own the channel. If I'm doing a live stream through YouTube or Facebook live and I've done them sometimes in the past that I don't own that communication channel, it's to someone else's platform because I'm not paying a fee for it, which means they can turn it off. They could put ads in the middle of it. They could do all those things. I do do live streams. Live streams tends to be a presentations. I'm showing stuff on the beach. I'm doing something live, and I'm just giving stuff away. I'm okay with that. But that's my personal approach now that there is coming an advent of technology where perhaps live streams and Webber's will merge. But they're not quite there yet. If you're looking for the gear you need to start, all you need to get started is Eric Action and a microphone. That's it. Have a limited budget and grab yourself a logic had set those down pretty good. And if you want a great microphone, I recommend the road podcaster. Absolutely. Hands down. I've used a lot of other microphones. He altered a lot of people talk about is microphones by blue. I had the Blue yeti. I've had two different blue yet is in the Blue Snowball. I always sounded like I was in a submarine. That's me. I don't know why that happened to other people had great sound from those microphones. So a lot of people I do podcast with or interviews with our weather is what they're using. Ah, blue Yeti. I use the road podcaster. I love it. I've had a road podcaster now for four years since I switched from the yeti, the podcaster. No one's complained about my audio sounds. And if you hear the sound right now for this, which is not a weapon, but it's recording. All I'm using is my Samsung phone. I don't have a top of the line phone. It's in a 70. If you want to look at the exact model, it's already been replaced by the A 71. So it's not even a current mid tier. My phone by grabbed it last year have been happy with a nice finally to switch from an Apple phone simply because they don't have a microphone. Jack and I'm using a road smart laugh. Plus, it's the same lob earlier microphone I've been talking about for three or four years. This is my third version of this microphone. They only last a couple years with how rough I am with them. They're concerned the only cost 60 to $70. It's okay, so that's the exact gear that I use. You don't need a lot beyond that for slide. So presentation. I'm on a Mac use keynote, which comes with your Mac. If you're on a PC. Power point is what you can use, and if you can't afford those, you need something free. There's a Google Slides program. I haven't used that because I've been using Keynote and Power Point for 10 years. And when I started out, Google slides that exist. But it's just it's good. I'm sure it's absolutely fine. And that's all that you really that's enough to get started. They might be nervous about going live. When you think about going live, you hit with that stage right in those fears and things will go wrong. My experience has been throughout my entire career that things do go wrong, and it's never as bad as you thought it would be. I spent a decade deejaying around the world. One of my other hobbies, I'm passionate about music, never get. I was deejaying at a student union in England in my late twenties, and I realized I was inside an electromagnetic field. The place had been wired so poorly my hair was getting raised off my body in every single direction. I wasn't terrified that I was getting electrocuted to death. I've been in situations where the power's cut off to the entire venue. In the middle of my performance, I've had someone spill a drink in one of my turntables. And so I had a deejay with only one turntable. It's like playing guitar with one hands. It's very, very hard, but we learn and we adapt. And what's it happened? I never got afraid of it happening again, which is kind of not the easiest answer to the question. But the best thing you can do is go live and give it a try. Don't tell people it's your first time. You don't need to do that because then they'll be looking for flaws. Just do your best. If things go wrong, guess what? You could do it again. The next time of different people will show up. Now the beauty of Webinars it's It's the power of the event, and it means you can raise your prices programs that you sell for seven or $17 you can now sell for 1 97 to 97 1000 or $2000. If you wouldn't fall me for while you're follow me on my email and you get e mails from a newsletter, you'll see that when I'm recommending something that's quite expensive, all take you through a live training. But you had someone else's program our tool, so you could ask them questions, because that's how you can generate a lot more revenue for your business. Guys, thank you so much for joining me for Season two of the serve. No master podcast. I'm really excited to start cranking out this content channel with you guys again, and I'll see you back again next week. Thank you for listening to this week's episode of Serve No Master. Make sure you subscribe, so you never miss another episode. We'll be back next Tuesday with more tips and tactics on how to escape that rat race. Head over to serve no master dot com forward slash podcasts. Now for your chance to win a free copy of Jonathan's bestseller Serve No master. All you have to do is leave a five star review of this podcast see you Tuesday ready to make your first digital product. Fear of the unknown old holding you back shattered through the myths with my free guided served master dot com front slash myth.